quinta-feira, 31 de dezembro de 2009


The Lisbon X´masTree! Beautiful and enourmous, overooking the city from one of its 7 hills!

Dear Friends,

For a long while I have not updated this blog, mostly out of tiredness for too much work and a year that was also rich in tribulations... But, how else would we learn and acquire more skills, if we would not be faced with CHALLENGES?

There are things we know, such as the power of being POSITIVE and rising up to each challenge - but ONLY the REALITY of LIFE can put us to the test and help us GROW!

Imagine, I am over forty and still growing! Is this not wonderful???

Even though it has been an exacting year, I am ending it in a POSITIVE note which I wanted to share with all of you!!! Welcome to my good wishes for a New Year filled with laughter, love, good health, success and fulfillement!

Let the JOY that is not bound by external achievement be BORN from your HEART!

Best wishes,

Maria Carmo

Lisbon 31st December 13H00.

19 comentários:

  1. Happy New Year Maria! You know what? The best thing happened to me in 2009 is getting a caring mother like you. I always heard that people get friends from Social Networking site but I was enough fortunate to find a friendly mother from twitter. Thanks for being there for me everytime whenever I needed most.

    Your pics are really great! Hope I will get to see more.

    I pray to God that this year you and your family (that means my whole family) live a wonderful life together.

  2. Dear dear Friend and "Son" at a distance!

    Thank you very much for your presence and friendship.

    I believe any two Human Beings can learn a lot from each other.

    May the New Year bring us all the best!


    2nd January 2010 - Lisbon

  3. Here's hoping you have more time to write this year, and decade. Your "voice" is so clear, Maria!

    ( www.twitter.com/greenliberation )

  4. Have a great New Year!

    I am also going to have to update my blogs... Maybe you will come to check it later?

    All the best,


  5. José António:

    Neste ano de 2010, que todos possamos dar passos no caminho do discernimento, da mudança de Paradigma do “ter” para o “SER” e começarmos e conseguir ver cada Ser Humano como uma ALMA num corpo físico e não, como até aqui, como um corpo que “tem” uma alma…


    Celebremos com gratidão os que nos deixaram em 2009.
    O meu desejo para 2010 é de que tenhamos DISCERNIMENTO para distinguir o que é ESSÊNCIAL daquilo que apenas o parece, que tenhamos BONDADE a lidar com todos, inclusive connosco próprios, que tenhamos CORAGEM para respondermos aos Desafios e eventuais dificuldades que surjam, como OPORTUNIDADES de CRESCIMENTO e de SERVIÇO ao BEM COMUM e que se REALIZEM os nossos MELHORES e MAIS BELOS SONHOS!

  6. Dear Anne of the Green Liberation!!! What a joy to see you here!

    Thanks so much for dropping by and leaving a comment!

    A great New Year!

    Maria Carmo

    3rd. January 2010, Lisbon Portugal

  7. Dear Isabel and José António,


    Hoping to see you soon,


  8. Hi nice to meet you
    we love always new friends,
    our blog is about my cat Kareltje
    Me and my family and Fun :-)
    Happy blogging in 2010 !!

    Happy New Year
    or in Dutch we say
    Gelukkig Nieuwjaar :-)

    Kareltje =^.^=
    Anya :-)

  9. Dear Anya,

    This is great!

    I hope that in this blog you will see a bit of my memories and feelings about my country and culture, my reflections about the world and humankind, and myself!!!

    Al de best (I wonder if that is the spelling).

    Maria Carmo

  10. Olá

    É com prazer que venho aqui conhecer o seu espaço, parece-me que vou ter aqui muito que ver.

    Um beijo e que tenha um bom ano de 2010

  11. Muito obrigada querido Amigo António Gallobar, seja bem vindo e volte sempre!

    Maria Carmo

  12. Hi Maria. How nice to make a new friend so early in the new year. Thank you for visiting my blog and for your kind words. The Lisbon Christmas tree looks very beautiful, We also have beauty now with snow and ice, though very cold of course and not much good for our work as gardeners! The schools are closed so snowmen are appearing; also the birds have become braver than usual in their search for food. The beach looks very strange with snow right down to the sea! I look forward to hearing more of your ideas and about your life in Lisbon and to telling you about Cornwall.

  13. Dear Morvah,

    What a change to your blog that you now keep it SO BEAUTIFUL and you even started writing wonderful texts, descriptions and poetic hints!

    Thank you!


  14. Querida Silvana,

    Antes de mais, muito obrigada pelos seus votos de Ano Novo! Hei-de passar no seu blogue! Obrigada.

    Maria Carmo

  15. Hi Maria, I wonder if I have solved that problem of reaching my blog? This is so I can try it out! Hope your Monday is good - I ran away from the dentist today when I was supposed to have some teeth taken out - what a baby! ( He is not a very good dentist )

  16. Yes! Now it is working properly - thank you.

  17. O troar do trovão, esta incessante chuva
    As estrelas choram todas as mágoas na terra
    Onde param os Anjos, porque não nos acodem os Santos
    O mal e o bem porfiam esta eterna guerra

    As casas do sul ruiram todas
    Tal como a esperança desesperada
    Toquei no rosto de uma criança triste
    Senti uma paz surgir do nada

    Mágico beijo

  18. Thank you so much, dear Morvah! I promise I will pay a visit to your beautiful blog today!

    All the best,


  19. Caro Profeta,

    Mas que grande prazer encontrar aqui o seu comentário tão poético! Já irei ver o seu blogue!!!

    Um abraço,

    Maria Carmo
