Portugal is a seemingly small country, nevertheless going on to 900 years of independent History.
People from abroad may look at us and feel we are just poor and going through a terrible economic crisis, but they risk missing part of what is most relevant about us: the incredible courage of those tiny sailors who in the 15th. century discovered most of the world, the endurance of the families, the dedication of the women, left to tend to their children and hold on tight...
Nowadays the crisis is upon us (and many others) as a bad dream. People wake up to find out that all that they worked for all their lives, including the chance for retirement, is questioned by a crisis whose origin is, once again, the greed and lack of ethics of the banking sector and the blindness of those in power to see that such a harsh policy of cuts will ONLY CREATE EXTREME POVERTY and a never ending number of bankrupt businesses...
Though this all, certain small towns and communities are starting to organize themselves to try and make it through the crises thanks to a cooperative effort. And in the mean time, hundreds of young people emigrate every day, in a perpetual and melancholy exodus...
Through it all, what will keep us alive and hopeful, if not LOVE? The loving kindness we can share with our families and neighbors, the effort to find creative solutions, the re-organization of one's life with less. Yet, some are finding courage and hope in the small Joys and Blessings of unsuspected things: the beauty of an Autumn morning, full of bright sunshine in spite of the lack of money, the freedom to walk outside when so many other countries are at war or close to it, the peace of coming home and having the Family together.
Centuries ago, one of our Kings got a special dispensation (from the Pope, I guess) to allow the Cult of the ANGEL OF PORTUGAL, depicted as in the photo above. Masses were held asking for the help and blessings of this Angel, called the Custodian Angel of Portugal. Well, few people know or remember this, but I would be inclined to ask for His benevolent help at this time of probation and difficulty.
That Mankind is so imperfect (especially its leaders) running the destinies of peoples and countries and of the whole planet, calls for HOPE in some sort of Providence that cannot be overruled by human stupidity and lack of ethics.
Therefore, against the impending melancholy and hardship, I call on the Angels for help and protection. What else can you do, when you hear some rulers stating "that they are very proud to be exporting so many technicians and experts" ?!!! Forgetting that these are human beings who would rather find a dignified life in their own nation?
Many years ago, Geoffrey Hodson, a writer who claimed to have the perception of Angels and who wrote many books about their help to Humanity, encouraged those who want to find more creative ways of living to ASPIRE only to the HIGHEST for inspiration and comfort. And in his books one could find an image of a standing Angel, with the hand pointed upwards to heaven, pointing us the only source of justice and hope:
May it inspire us to be OUR BEST SELVES and in each day give our best to find more just solutions than the ones that are being forced on every one, increasing poverty and humiliation except for those who have a lot.