domingo, 31 de janeiro de 2010

Those things I love...

Sundays at home, during winter, can be so cosy and warm!

To just BE, without pressure or stress, and the feeling of "owning" time!

Sunday morning and still the sun may come through the winter clouds to fill the kitchen with light that makes me hopeful for a great day!

Drinking coffee and already imagining all I am going to do and write during those free hours...

Working before lunch on creative projects, then maybe out for lunch, both of us talking about projects, poetry, presentations..

If there is enough time, we may drive to the seaside and just go to a small restaurant or coffee shop, stay there, overlooking the vast expanse of sea and reading r writing... strolling along and just breathing can be wonderful!

Back home for a family dinner. And then for a nice cup of Indian Tea and a good book..


Maria Carmo

Lisboa 31 January 2010